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Please note that the school requires a full term’s written notice, or fees in lieu of such notice if a pupil wishes to leave the school or terminate individual music tuition, sports or the After School Lesson arrangements.
Please see enclosed fees schedule for current fees.
Fees are payable on or before the first day of each term. Please note that students who default will not be allowed into classrooms. We offer 5% discount on fees (tuition only) for a minimum of three siblings duly registered in the school. This, however, is only applicable whilst the oldest child is in school.
There is an arrangement for payment of fees in three installments in each term. The following conditions are however applicable:
This arrangement is not applicable to newly enrolled pupils/students.
Interested parents must apply not later than two weeks before resumption for the new term. Application forms can be obtained from the Bursar.
The school determines the amount and the respective deadline for each installment.
The information given on application forms, admission deposit forms and contact sheets will be held on the school database. We will use this information only for the management of the school. It is kept confidentially and is not released to any other person or organisation. We regret we are unable to give class lists, name lists, etc. to parents.
Legally, we require in writing your permission to allow your child to participate in various school activities. These include school trips, inclusion in the school’s prospectus, participation in external academic and sports competition, seminars and inclusion of pupil’s photograph in the school’s website.
Permission slips are usually sent to parents, whenever such activities are to be embarked upon. Your signature as a parent expresses your consent to your child’s participation in the proposed activity.
All uniform may be purchased from the school bursar. The school requires that pupils and students wear black shoes and gray socks. Sandals and other footwear that expose the toes are not allowed.
Individual music tuition is offered to pupils in years Prep 1 to SSS 3. Instruments on offer are piano, violin and guitar. Parents should contact the school to indicate interest in this arrangement. Please note that the tuition attracts a fee.
Whenever possible, please inform the school office if your child is absent.
The school is statutorily required to account for attendance daily. Absence on any other day apart from the end of term holidays and public holidays are deemed as unauthorized absence, except when the parents have pre-inform the school.
The school has a sizeable parking lot. However, space is limited compared to the number of vehicles it accommodates per day. As a result, we encourage parents not to remain in the lot for longer than necessary.
Pupils and students at The Concord School arrive each day at 7.30 am. There is usually a review period before the general assembly. Parents are not allowed to attend the assembly.
The Concord School assembly for various sections of the school is observed in halls. Thus, assemblies are not disturbed by rain.
School closes at different times for the three sections of the school as stated below:
Playgroup/ Pre-nursery/ Nursery: 3.30 pm
Reception year 3.30 pm
Prep 1-2: 3.30 pm
Prep 3-5: 3.30 pm
JSS1 – SSS 3: 4.30 pm
Parents are advised to collect their children/ wards before 5.00 pm. Picking a child later than the stipulated time attracts a fine.
The Concord School does not release children to people who are not officially acknowledged as parents or guardians to the children. When a parent is not going to be available to pick a child, the parent should (in person) see the Clients’ Service Manager with the person designated to pick the child. When this policy is not adhered to, the school reserves the right to keep the child in the school hostel for safety reasons.
If a pupil/ student will be picked before the regular closing time, it is required that the parent(s)/ guardian(s) notify the school at least 72 hours before the time. The only exception to this is if the reason for such early departure borders on health or related issue.
Please be aware that notification in respect of intention to pick a pupil/student before the regulation time should be directed to the Clients’ Service Manager only.
We strongly encourage punctuality. Lateness has a detrimental effect on both the child who arrives late and his/her classmates who are disrupted upon arrival. It sets a poor example to the children and can cause them some distress. We would welcome your cooperation in this matter.
The school gate is shut at 8.45 a.m children who arrive later than this time without prior notice to the school may not be allowed into the school.
Communications for parents from the school will normally be sent home via the pupil’s communication book. If you wish to write to the teacher, the communication book should be used as well. Please note that it is compulsory for parents to read the communication book and append their signatures as required on daily basis.
Staffs are usually available to see parents from Mondays to Fridays as soon as the school has closed for the day.
Parents are not allowed see teachers or pupils during school hours.
School lunch is provided daily. We offer child-friendly, nutritious meals. School meals for day students are optional. Parents who are interested in the arrangement are to notify the school through the accountant at the beginning of the term.
Parents are allowed to pack meals for their children if they are not interested in subscribing for school meal.
The school reserves the right to take necessary action should we observe that the food brought by a pupil poses a threat to his/her health. Usually, the school invites the parent(s) for a discussion on the issue.
Pupils are allowed to bring light snack for break time. Fizzy drinks and other drinks in glass bottles are not permitted. Furthermore, the school reserves the right to take necessary action should we observe that the snack brought by a pupil poses a threat to his/her health. Usually, the school invites the parent(s) for a discussion on the issue.
The Concord School allows pupils to celebrate their birthdays with their classmates in a light manner. Parents should pre-inform the school about the intended celebration and time for such must be pre-agreed.
Please note that fizzy drinks are not allowed.
At The Concord School, only the clinic matron is authorized to administer medicine. Prescribed medicine should be handed over to the school matron only. Parents are advised to inform the school about their children’s allergies.
Various clubs and our choir meet on Fridays during the co-curricular activity period. Should there be need for the children to stay a little longer in school for club meetings, parents will be pre-informed. However, this is not a frequent situation.
After school lesson at The Concord School is optional. It attracts a monthly fee that may be paid at once for a whole term.
Please contact the bursar for further information.
The school operates summer school programme during summer breaks. The programme attracts fees that vary with classes. Information about the summer school is usually included in the newsletter.
The school stages the following programmes every school year:
1st Term: General election
2nd Term: Annual Sports
3rd Term: Cultural Week
Honours Day
These programmes are staged with the support of parents.
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